TheĀ Hairstylist ResetĀ Retreat Questionnaire
Please complete the form below to the best of your ability. Once you have submitted it, you will receive an email with information on the next steps.Ā
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
City & State
Email Address
Date of Birth
Salon Name (if applicable)
Years in the Beauty Industry
Specialties (e.g. Natural Hair, Color, Extensions, Cuts, Braiding, Wigs, etc.)
Social Media Handle - Choose 1-2: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or TikTok
Website (if applicable)
How did you hear about this retreat?
Why do you want to attend this retreat?
What are your biggest challenges as a hairstylist or business owner?
What areas of your career/business would you like to improve? (Check all that apply)
Have you attended a business or industry retreat before?
If yes, what was your experience? N/A for next question if no is the answer.
How would you describe your personality?
Are you traveling solo, with family, a partner, or a friend?
If traveling solo, have you traveled by yourself before?
If traveling solo, are you booking a solo room or would like to be paired with another guest?
What type of traveler are you?
Are you comfortable engaging, networking, conversing with people you do not know?
If no or sometimes, please explain. N/A to go to next question.
What are you hoping to get out of this retreat?
Do you have a team, or do you work solo?
If you have a team, what challenges do you face as a leader?
Do you have any fears? If yes, please explain.
Do you have any emotional triggers/traumas we should be aware of? Please be completely honest. Your answer allows us to be more in tune with your needs while on the trip.
What types of activities are you into when you travel? Feel free to type down your own. (check all that apply)
Feel free to tell us more about yourself if you wish.Ā
Upon notification, will you be ready to book immediately, pay in full payment or with a payment plan?
Submit Your Form
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